The first question that you should ask yourself – What type of influencer you want to be?

The answer to that question will help you decide on the kind of Instagram influencer you want to be, as well as your target audience and how you are going to engage with them.

For example, if you want to become an actor, then you’ll likely focus on acting and not necessarily on social media, while if you want to become a fashion blogger, then you’ll likely focus on the fashion industry and not necessarily on social media. So before you make a decision on which path to take, the first thing you need to do is determine your niche for a specific audience:

If you want to focus on a particular audience, then the best way to do that is to start following them first and then work your way up to your main audience. For example, if you want to become a fitness influencer, then you can start by following other people who are in that niche. It’s also helpful if you know a few people from that niche already so that you have a support network.

However, you might be surprised to find that they aren’t interested in your content, or perhaps they don’t have the time to follow you. This is why it’s important to also follow their followers and see what type of content they are posting. In the end, you’ll discover the type of content that resonates with your audience. Then you can use those results to determine how you are going to interact with your target audience.

Thus, your next question should be: Do I want to become an Instagram influencer or am I just a social media marketer? If you just want to become a social media marketer, then it’s likely you’re more interested in following trends and trends alone. However, if you want to become an influencer, then you’ll need to focus on the niche and build your audience as well. Either way, remember that you should never be afraid of starting small. You don’t have to start by following 10,000 people and posting videos of yourself and your friends. Start small and work your way up. You will see results and grow over time.

If you’re looking for a place to start, then try to find a topic that you’re interested in and passionate about. That’s what will bring you joy. It’s also important to do some research. Find out what other people are doing in that area and then make sure to include them in your content. After all, the goal is to be authentic and unique. If you don’t know much about the niche, then it’s okay to ask questions and seek advice from those who do. Remember, it’s not about who you follow or how many followers you have, it’s about what type of content they post and whether or not you resonate with their audience.


Step N. 1:

What are your interests on regular basis? Prepare your plan and ask yourself these questions:

  1. Where do I want my mind to wander? Your mind wanders when you’re thinking about something that’s not related to what you’re doing right now.
  1. What do I really care about in life? at work? in my career?
  1. How do I enjoy spending my time? What are the best hobbies that make me feel happy and joyful.
  1. What are the most important topics that I’m interested to know about when I search for things to read on Google.
  1. What does my email inbox look like?
    (Who do I subscribe to via email?)
  1. What does my Instagram feed look like?
    (Who do I follow?)


Use the answers to those questions to help you understand your true interests and talents.

Step N. 2:

What questions do people ask you in real life? What questions do people ask you on social media? What questions do you wish you knew the answer to? 

Keep this in mind: How do you want to be perceived on Instagram? Do you want to be perceived as an influencer, an authority, a teacher, a friend or a mentor?

If there’s a topic that people always ask you for advice on, it’s probably something you’re naturally good at, or something you’re passionate about. It’s no surprise that you’ve become so well-known for the quality of your advice.


Make a list of topics people ask you about. Write down everything you can think of that people ask you about. Then pick out the topics that you get asked about most. That will be the ones you should start by creating content about.

Step N. 3:

Get rid of the things you dislike and then you’ll be able to move on and eliminate what you know you don’t like.

Now that you have narrowed down your interests, it’s time to get to work. The first thing you need to do is to get some basic skills. If you want to pursue a career in ________, then you’ll need to learn more about the industry, its various aspects, and its history. This might mean reading some books, watching documentaries, or attending classes. But no matter what path you decide to take, the important thing to remember is that the best way to learn something is by doing it.

If you don’t know what to do next, try asking a friend for advice. They’re likely to have done something similar, so they’ll be able to give you some good advice about what you should be doing next.


From your list of potential interests, cross out any that you know you won’t want to pursue. You can save some time if you just eliminate a few at a time as you are checking off boxes on your interest list. Just take a quick glance at the remaining items and make sure they are something that you really want to explore.

Step N. 4:

Define your audience.

Niche marketing is a popular strategy for growing your social media audience, but it is not without its downsides. First, you need to narrow down the focus of your marketing. You will want to try and identify who you are targeting and what their concerns are. When it comes to building your own social media following, you want to focus on two things – engaging content and staying true to yourself.

Engaging content refers to the kind of posts that people love to share, which should be things that interest you as well as people that resonate with you. When it comes to niche marketing, content doesn’t always have to be about your business. You can create great content around something fun or interesting like traveling, movies, or anything else that really resonates with your followers. You can also choose to post about your business on a regular basis or occasionally, depending on how often you want to engage your audience.

You must stay true to yourself when it comes to niche marketing. If you try to mimic other influencers, people will quickly notice that you are just copycatting them and they will not follow you.

Niche marketing, also known as micro-niche marketing or targeted marketing, is a type of advertising in which you target specific groups of people who have particular characteristics or preferences. A niche market is a market segment that shares some common characteristics. These characteristics can include demographics, income levels, interests, or any other attribute that you identify.


Focusing your efforts on a specific topic will make it easier for you to stand out in a crowd. Not only will you be able to draw attention to yourself because you are “one of the few people who know about this”, but you will also be able to build a following and develop an audience. This is very helpful because having an audience means you are much more likely to generate income from affiliate marketing.

There’s something for everyone on the Internet. With over 2 billion websites available at the click of a button, you’ll never find yourself without a place to find information or a person to talk to. But the truth is, not everyone is a potential audience for you. If you have a particular audience that you want to reach, it will be much easier to attract people who will like what you have to say and engage with what you are doing.

Step N. 5:

Your WHY reveals your BACKSTORY

Your backstory is simply who you are. It’s all about establishing a human connection with your audience. It’s about who you are, how you act and what you stand for. The more you can get into the mindset of your potential customers, the more easily you’ll be able to communicate and connect with them. For example, if you’re selling a high-end car, don’t just talk about the technical specs. Tell them about the unique features of the vehicle that makes it a great car to own. If you’re promoting a weight loss product, you should tell your audience that you understand how much stress they’re under because of their weight. Whatever it is you’re selling, you need to share the backstory with your audience. This helps them understand what they’re going to get from you.


Remember that the most compelling stories aren’t just events.

Some tips on creating your backstory:

Think back to when you first started learning about your topic. Most likely there were some struggles along your journey. Describe them to your audience in your backstory. If at any point along your path to becoming an influencer you made any big discoveries or had any important insights, you should share them. Then describe what life is like now. I think it goes without saying, but please don’t make stuff up. You really don’t need to. Even if you think your story is boring or uneventful, don’t be afraid to just be honest and tell it like it is. That’s what will form a personal connection between you and your audience.

This 2022 social media marketing guide covers everything from creating a unique profile, to writing effective posts, to using various tools to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and much more. Consider this guide, as a checklist to help you stay on track! CLICK HERE

Step N. 6:

Content Creation and Engagement Tips

Content creation can be a time-consuming process, but it’s also an important task for your online business. As your audience grows, so does your content production.


Here’s how Gary explains it: ‘Documenting’ versus ‘creating’ is what The Real World and the Kardashians is to Star Wars and Friends. And don’t get confused—just because you’re ‘documenting’ doesn’t mean you’re not creating content. It’s just a version of creating that is predicated more on practicality instead of having to think of stories or fantasy—something that’s very hard for most people.”

Say NO to the over-edited, over-filtered, and over-perfect content. If you’re just starting out, pick up your phone and start taking photos and creating short videos about the things that are most important to you. In other words, document your life.


An influencer is someone who has built a large online following due to the way they interact with their audience. It doesn’t matter if you have 100,000 Instagram followers or 10,000 Twitter followers – as long as you are consistently interacting with your audience and delivering value, you can become an influencer.

The reason why influencers are so successful is that they are constantly providing their audience with new, interesting, and useful information. They have figured out how to make themselves an essential part of their followers’ daily lives. By consistently posting quality content and interacting with their followers, influencers can quickly turn their followers into fans and customers.

Position yourself as a celebrity/Expert influencer, and show them what you’ve got and teach them how you did it! Take your audience on the ride with you.


An influencer is someone who has built a large online following due to the way they interact with their audience. It doesn’t matter if you have 100,000 Instagram followers or 10,000 Twitter followers – as long as you are consistently interacting with your audience and delivering value, you can become an influencer.

The reason why influencers are so successful is that they are constantly providing their audience with new, interesting, and useful information. They have figured out how to make themselves an essential part of their followers’ daily lives. By consistently posting quality content and interacting with their followers, influencers can quickly turn their followers into fans and customers.

Keep this is mind..

What is the purpose of your life? What is your mission in life? What kind of person do you want to be in 10, 20, 30 years from now? What are the most important things in your life? What are your priorities? What makes you happy? What do you want to accomplish before you die? What are your values? What are your beliefs? Who are the people that inspire you? What is your legacy? What is your dream? WHAT IS YOUR PASSION?


Read more on the other Social Media Channels:

The Hidden Power of the Twitter Timeline Explained (Reach with These Simple and Low-Cost Tactics)

The Only Facebook Marketing Guide You’ll Ever Need in 2022!

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