Aleen Zakka

My story begins as early as 2005. As a young Lebanese woman discovering the new website that was Facebook, I was in awe of the significant potential such a platform could provide to its users. I started dreaming of working in the domain, teaching people about digital marketing and becoming successful in it. I was able to reinforce my passion and test my abilities as an entrepreneur by building Net2work Branding from scratch in 2016.


What will the upcoming year look like? This is a question that digital marketers are already asking themselves as 2021 comes to an end. Luckily, we have data to help guide our expectations as we strategize. If you are planning your digital marketing strategy for 2022, you’ll want to consider the following tips:

Diversify your content

Content will continue to be important to buyers, which is why it should be a top priority for digital marketers. But what kind of content should you focus on? If you want greater outreach, you’ll have to try a little bit of everything. Blogposts and articles should be the focus of typed content. They are where you can engage audiences on topics of interest to them, in a way that is also relevant to your brand. Also, try posting pictures and videos on the appropriate social media platforms for people who prefer quick and easy content. You might even want to create audio content, as more people are tuning in to podcasts. Aim to post this diverse content in a consistent manner. However, don’t compromise content quality or you’ll lose engagement. Your content should have something for everyone.

Become mobile-friendly

A lot of time is spent online browsing the web. More than half the time, people are doing so using their mobile phones. For this reason, you’ll want to focus on becoming mobile-friendly. Start with your website, making sure that the content and design are well-adapted to a small screen. You want your text to be readable and the design to be simple on the mobile-version of your website. You might want to consider creating a mobile app, which is faster and more responsive than a website. However, know that you now have the option of progressive web apps (PWAs), which help bridge the gap between native app and website. Keep in mind that you want to create a good mobile experience.

Host live streams

Live video streaming is one of the fastest growing trends in social media marketing, especially among the younger generations. Your marketing strategy should capitalize on this growing trend. Host live stream events on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. This way, you can increase interaction and engagement with audiences. Think about what kind of live stream events you want to hold. These can be interviews, Q&A sessions, webinars, and so on.

Explore influencer marketing

Influencer marketing will continue to grow in popularity in the coming period. In 2022, it is estimated that this market will grow 1.5 times its value in 2020. Compared to celebrities, influencers are more relatable and accessible to their audiences, they are also more trusted. For these reasons, influencer marketing is a serious option to explore. Note that there are certain trends to look forward to. For example, brands will likely collaborate long-term with influencers who will become a face for the brand. Video content will also prevail, as people prefer to watch brand-influencer collaborations in video format on platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram.

If you’re a digital marketer, you can get a head start by planning your digital strategy for the coming year. Familiarize yourself with the growing trends and let them inform your strategy. This way, you can get an idea of where the digital scene is headed and follow it where it may go.


There’s no doubt that women have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. In 2020, more women than men left the workforce. On a global level, this translated into 5% of total jobs held by women being lost compared to 3.9% for men. At the same time, the Small Business Trends Alliance (SBTA) reported an increase in women-led businesses, from 27% to 33% in one year. So, it seems that more women are turning the pandemic into an opportunity to be their own bosses and pursue their passions. However, there are still challenges that women have to face and overcome. Here, I mention 4 key things that women with businesses should focus on to overcome challenges and succeed.


If you’re a businesswoman, consider outsourcing some of your work. Outsourcing is the process of hiring an outside party to complete certain tasks or job functions. This can help with a number of challenges that women face, such as maintaining work-home balance. In fact, increased domestic responsibilities was one of the main reasons why so many women left the workforce in 2020. Women felt there wasn’t enough time to keep up with all the roles they were expected to fill. Outsourcing minor tasks can free up some of your time to focus on the priorities. Not to mention that outsourcing is cheaper than hiring an employee, as you don’t need to worry about covering benefits. Finally, outsourcing is convenient in the sense that the work can be done remotely without the need to meet in person.


Women leaders that struggle with the workflow should consider automating certain business processes. Automation makes work easier for everyone involved, as well as more efficient and time-saving. Some business aspects to consider automating include customer support, like using chatbots that are available 24/7. Other aspects include HR, for example, relying on automation for the initial review of job applications. The second most common reason why women start their own businesses is to pursue their passions. With time-consuming and repetitive tasks out of the way, you’ll be able to do just that, as well as streamline the workflow.


As per SBTA, the biggest challenge women in business report facing is with marketing. Therefore, it’s best to develop a solid marketing strategy, with the help of a consultant if possible. You need to put clear marketing goals and decide on the metrics that will help you measure progress and success (ROI, conversion rate…). Moreover, prepare a social media plan and conduct research into which platforms work best for your business. Another tip is to know how to market yourself as a leader in your field. You can do so by building a personal website and writing blog articles for sharing your knowledge and experiences.


Women receive very little funding for their businesses compared to men. This is mostly due to gender biases that exist in the male-dominated world they need to navigate. However, persistence is key. Learn to not take “no” for an answer and keep applying for funding until you find the right investor. Also, consider taking classes to develop the necessary soft skills to perfect your pitch. This is because women are provided less opportunities to practice their pitches in the business world. Remember that the bottom line matters and so does a business angle that stands out. Another option is to seek funding from investors that specifically invest in female-owned businesses or in businesses within your specific field.

Navigating the world of business is not an easy task for women with businesses, even as our numbers increase. It becomes important to understand the unique challenges that affect us as women so that we are able to find ways around them. Outsourcing, automation, marketing, and funding are only some things to focus on to get over the setbacks. In the end, no aspirational businesswoman should have to miss out on this moment of opportunity we are living because of her gender. But until gender equality is achieved, there are ways to beat the system.



In recent years, social media has been used to raise the voices of people and groups who aren’t usually heard. Online platforms have been used for activism and raising awareness on important issues, like climate change. When it comes to women, their relationship with social media is complicated. However, we must recognize social media’s potential in advocating for women. There are at least 4 social media campaigns that have recently succeeded in helping to empower women.

Me Too Movement

In 2017, the hashtag #MeToo spread like wildfire on social media after influential men in Hollywood were exposed for committing sexual crimes. Over time, the hashtag became a movement that empowered women to speak up and share their experiences. It even began a global conversation around women’s rights and safety at work. Four years later, we can measure the real-life impact of the movement that started on social media as a trend. For example, female representation in the film industry has increased, helping to address the gender inequalities that lead to abuse.

Instagram vs Reality

The trend “Instagram vs Reality” started around 2018, when women would share side-by-side photos of themselves on Instagram for comparison. The first photo would be staged and edited to hide flaws, the second photo would be more natural and relaxed. While these posts could try to be funny, they also promoted body-positivity on social media.

 Black and White Challenge

The “black and white challenge” of 2020 began in Turkey to raise awareness on cases of femicide (the killing of women and girls based on their gender). Women would post black and white photos of themselves on Instagram and nominate other women to do the same. The challenge soon started circulating among female celebrities, helping to reach a larger audience. Not only did the challenge highlight a local issue affecting women that would have otherwise gone unnoticed, but it united women around the world in support for one another.


In September 2021, the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, undoing years of progress on gender issues. Afghan women abroad went on social media to protest the Taliban’s oppression of women back home. Using the hashtag #DoNotTouchMyClothes, women shared pictures of themselves in colorful traditional dress to protest against women being forced to wear black burqas.


Technologies that once seemed like a stretch of the imagination are now at our fingertips. In 2021, digital innovations, like virtual reality (VR), are available to businesses, who try to keep up with these trends to remain relevant and competitive. This is not always an easy task to do, as businesses can be overwhelmed by all the quickly emerging trends. Here are 5 of the most important digital trends that businesses need to keep an eye on.

Virtual Reality (VR)

VR technology allows its users to immerse in a 3D environment and experience it as if they are there. The most obvious use for VR is entertainment and gaming. With VR, you’re able to explore fantasy worlds, attend concerts, watch sports games, and visit tourist sites in a more engaging way. Besides entertainment, VR has practical uses for businesses, such as safety simulations and staff trainings in fields like interior design. Promisingly, VR has the potential to revolutionize our online shopping experience. Imagine being able to browse products in virtual stores that simulate real-life ones, all from the comfort of your home.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

PWAs are websites that provide users with a similar experience to that of native apps downloaded through an app store. No installation is required with PWAs, as they are available via web browser. Benefits of PWAs include fast load time and reduced device storage, with features that closely resemble those of native apps, like push notifications and offline browsing.

 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI refers to technology that is capable of accomplishing tasks typically associated with intelligent life. The benefits of AI include its ability to process large amounts of data in a manner more efficient and detailed than humans can. For example, AI chatbots can handle more customer service cases and respond faster than workers, all while simulating human speech using NLP. AI can also help with targeted marketing and the personalization of user content, driving up engagement. Overall, AI benefits both the internal and external processes of a business, automating certain tasks and making the work easier.

Voice & Visual Search

Growing in popularity are voice and visual search as alternatives to typed search. A voice search feature allows users to speak into their devices or to their virtual assistant (e.g., Amazon Alexa) to make an online query. Similarly, visual search is an internet search using pictures instead of words. Companies have already started developing image recognition technology, like Google Lens that allows you to “search what you see.” As per Gartner, early adopters of voice and visual search will increase their digital commerce revenue by 30%.

 Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is a system of recording information that is very difficult to hack and corrupt. It is secure and doesn’t require an intermediary, like a bank, for a transaction to occur. While often associated with cryptocurrency, it is growing relevant to digital marketing. Among blockchain’s many benefits include the security of customer data and personal information, ad buying without mediators, and the detection of fraud.


Culture around us is constantly changing. In other words, people’s tastes, interests, and behaviors continue to evolve with time. Ultimately, cultural trends affect how consumers relate to businesses. What people purchase, from where, and how often are influenced by these trends. In order to properly connect with customers, businesses need to be aware of the most important cultural trends. Below is a list of 4 cultural trends to focus on in 2021 and the coming years:

Brand Activism

Brands have been increasingly aligning themselves with causes that matter to people. This is because people—especially younger generations—are preferring to engage with businesses with values that match their own. Consumers are even putting brand activism ahead of price and convenience. Brand activism might involve awareness campaigns, solidarity statements, donations, and workplace inclusivity.


Most consumers state that they prefer businesses that promote environmental sustainability. More people are trying to lead a sustainable lifestyle and look for brands that help them do just that. However, they don’t always know where to look. In response, a lot of businesses have developed their brands around eco-friendliness and sustainability. They are successfully able to respond to the culture trend. Moreover, this trend will continue to grow in importance, especially as climate change grows as an issue.

Online Community

In 2020, we witnessed major cultural shifts because of the pandemic. Shifts include social distancing and online migration, which have contributed to the growth of online communities. At the same time, businesses that build online communities around their brands have more engagement and higher customer retention. Ways to help build a sense of community include blog entries, community forums, social media posts, and livestreams.

Video Content

Video content is one of the most effective ways to grab someone’s attention. Videos are more popular than ever, exceeding both text and image content in popularity. It helps that video content is easier to digest than other types of content, which is something consumers look for. The number of businesses that rely on video as a form of communication and marketing have significantly increased. They have also been more successful in engaging their audience.

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that an event can happen suddenly and impact aspects of our culture. If you’re running a business, or want to start one, it’s important to remain in touch with the trends that shape society around you. You want to put your customers at the heart of your operations, but to understand them, you also need to understand their culture and how it will develop.



With the arrival of the pandemic came a revolution in our understanding of the workplace. To escape the deadly virus, work had to be transferred online, away from the cubicles and office desks where one could come into close contact with other people. Some businesses found the transition awkward and difficult, but luckily for digital enthusiasts like me, “online offices” were an already, at least partially, established practice.

My digital experience has taught me that online offices, for all their benefits, still require that attention be given to the “digital team.” In fact, employees working remotely might require more attention than regular workers because they tend to feel more isolated or easily distracted from work since face-to-face contact and supervision is limited.

Generally, it is up to the leader of the business to inspire connection, trust, clarity, as well as create a productive work environment through a well-developed employee management plan. This plan is just as important, if not more so, when you are running an online office. And if you are a woman leader, your job becomes extra challenging, as you go against gender stereotypes trying to assert yourself, all while inspiring employees and motivating them to work through online channels.

I bet you are as afraid as I am of miscommunication, which can easily occur online, or of coming off as “bossy” and “demanding” to the team. you might also be worried about employee work progress in this digital moment. But never fear, I have some tips based on years of experience that can help you successfully manage your digital team:

  1. Establish rapport. Communicate the strengths and unique skills of each individual. Express appreciation for the team, as well as the importance of their contributions to the success of the business. Make them feel involved, committed, and value.
  2. Provide honest feedback. Whether feedback is positive or negative, it is necessary to communicate it to maintain or improve someone’s job performance. That said, honest feedback does not need to be harsh and threatening. It should focus on constructive criticism and guidance on how to improve performance.
  3. Celebrate success. Celebrate success on an individual and group level, acknowledging and rewarding teamwork especially. When working on projects together, step back and allow the employees to take ownership of the work, present it, and take the credit for success. Remember that their success is also your success.
  4. Allow members to pursue their goals. Encourage employees to pursue their goals through your business, allowing them to be creative at work and to choose projects they are passionate about. So long as company and employee goals align, and client value is achieved, then there should be no problem in aiding employees in their professional pursuits.
  5. Tolerate failure. To err is human and there will be times when a team member struggles or fails to deliver. It is important to tolerate occasional slips and know how to handle failure when it occurs. Work together with employees to examine the failure and take steps to turn them into an opportunity to improve overall processes and procedures. Encourage your employees to try again and support them to succeed.
  6. Hold team members accountable. Maintain clear expectations and hold team members accountable when expectations are not met. Expectations that cannot be compromised should be explained clearly during interviews and reinforced in orientations and monthly team meetings. For example, a priority of mine is customer service and I make sure my whole team knows this. If a customer voices a complaint, I have a candid conversation with the team to address these concerns. If the problem persists despite all efforts, leading to more complaints, disciplinary measures are taken.
  7. Empower your team. Empower your employees to make decisions on their own without having to refer to you about every detail. They should enjoy a degree of independence in their positions, as well as know that their opinions and thoughts are valued in the workplace. Not sharing ideas and thoughts in a team can actually hinder progress.
  8. Reserve one hour for a team catch up. Dedicate an hour in the week where everyone can jump online for a team call to ask questions, share tasks requirements and achievements. This online catch up makes your team feel involved in all company projects and goal achievements, where they are not just limited to what is required of them to do.

To recap, how you manage your team is a crucial part of running your business. The points listed above become especially true and necessary if most of the work is done online. Don’t allow remote work to come between you and your digital team, as there is no real reason to for the team to grow apart. Technologies can be used to complete tasks, as well as reinforce communication in a manner that creates healthy work relations and a happy, productive online office.

8 Awesome Tips for Managing a Digital Team


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